Our Planning Process

Taking A Step Toward Peace Of Mind

Peace Of Mind Is Here

We know that beginning your estate plan is a big step.

Our process is designed to ensure your confidence in the planning process each step of the way, and our planning process is the perfect combination of efficiency and warmth.

Every decision is carefully reviewed with you and yet the entire process stretches out only eight weeks. You can feel confident knowing that within two months of meeting with us, your family could be totally planned for, protected and not at risk of being stuck in court or conflict if something happens to you.

Your Initial Meeting: The Family Wealth Planning Session

Our planning process begins with your Family Wealth Planning Session.

This is your opportunity to get educated, informed and fully empowered to make the right decisions for the people you love. And together we have the opportunity to meet each other and ensure that working together is a good fit.

During your Family Wealth Planning Session, we will walk you through exactly what your loved ones would have to do and where your assets would go if something happened to you today.

You will then be able to determine if there was anything about what would happen today that you would not like and you will get clear on what you would want to happen instead.

Name Legal Guardians For Free

Naming guardians for your kids is totally free and easy, no strings attached.

If We Are A Good Fit...

Assuming there is a good fit between you and us, we will help you to choose the planning level and fee that is right for your family.

We have three different planning levels to accommodate your needs and YOU get to decide which planning level best protects you and your family.

Once you choose your planning level, we will then help you design a plan that will give you the peace of mind of knowing your family will be taken care of in the event the unthinkable happens.

Once your plan has been designed to your satisfaction, you will return to our office about a month later to sign your newly prepared estate plan. At this point, your family and your assets will be totally protected in the case of your death or incapacity.

In Most Law Firms, The Relationship Ends There

We see the signing of your estate plan as the beginning of our relationship with your family. This is where our law firm is very different.

After you sign your estate plan, we don’t simply send you on your way and wish you luck for the future.

Instead, we create an electronic record of all of your legal documents so you can easily access them anytime you need to in the future and then schedule our next meeting with you.

At this final meeting, one of the most important meetings of our process, we help you:

  • 1
    Ensure your assets are owned in the right way (you can have the best set of legal documents, but if your assets are not owned in the right way, it has all been a waste).
  • 2
    Make sure everyone you have named to take care of you, your children, and the money you are leaving behind knows just what to do if and when something happens.
  • 3
    Capture and plan for your intangible and most valuable assets: your values, insights, stories, and experiences that neither you nor your loved ones would ever want lost.

And this is where we make sure you understand everything we have put in place for you and your family.

Then, We Still Aren't Done!

We meet with you at least every three years to review your plan and make sure it stays up to date.

We do this because we know, and we have seen it many times in our industry, that if regular reviews of your estate plan are not happening, then your set of documents is very unlikely to work when your family needs them.

And if you choose to join our Family Wealth VIP Client Membership Program, we will meet together annually for a comprehensive plan review and update.

Free Report

No Time For Mistakes

Learn The Six Major Mistakes Families Make When Choosing An Estate Planning Attorney ... And How To Make A Loving Choice For Your Family.

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